Monday, March 21, 2011

Scentsy Wickless Candles

Scentsy Wickless Candles are an amazing alternative to traditional candles!!!!! Wax is warmed by a small light bulb in a stylish warmer. Thats right NO BURNING....Its flameless, no more smoke and soot in your walls. Leave with out remembering to blow out the candles first. The wax gets just above body temperature so it is safe for kids and pets if it is spilled on them or they get curious and touch it. No more candle worries and my house smess wonderful always. Check out my Scentsy website at


  1. How long do they normally last? I LOVE Candles but I am really trying to change what we breath, put on our body, in our body so I am really interested in moving away from the candles

  2. They are sold as bars or bricks..Candle bars will last a minimum of 50 - 80 hours. It depends on the strength of the fragrance and how strong you personally like your scents. Open Windows, humidifiers, and house fans may alter the time the scents last.
    The bricks are about 3x the size of the bars. I prefer the bars because I like to get an assortment of scents and either mix them for an awesome aroma or just switch them out often. They are so easy to change. just melt whats in your burner pour it back into the plastic form that the bar or brick comes in and wipe out the top and your ready for something different.

  3. Angie, thank you so much for sending the samples up!!! I felt like I had a scentsy party at my kitchen table! Audrey, Stacy, Avery and I loved smelling them all and I made a huge list and will be putting my order in this weekend! :)
